Lanteria HR for SharePoint, Version 4.4.175 - 11/14/2019

Core HR - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with copying the modified Legal Entity from the employee card to current assignments.

Time and Attendance - Improvement - If the number of absences in Lanteria HR is more than 1000, the Out Of Office Calendar will be displayed in  the export view.

Learning - Improvement - The mechanism of uploading the LinkedIn Learning results has been changed according to the changes made on the LinkedIn side.

Learning - Improvement - The learning groups are sorted alphabetically in the Learning Group field of the Learning Group Management page.

Performance - Improvement - The Employee Competency History chart type has been changed to a more relevant one.

Core HR - Improvement - During the employee data anonymization, the employee name will be also anonymized in the lists where it is not stored in the fields of the lookup type.

Learning - Issue fix - Fixed an issue with duplicating the required training records when assigning the training requirements through the learning groups.