Lanteria HR, Version 4.4.102

Time & Attendance - Issue fix - When exporting the Absence Records Report, the absence sub type is displayed correctly.
Core HR - Issue fix - If the Include Inactive Employees check box in the Positions Chart is cleared, the terminated employees are not displayed in the chart. 
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If the Time and Attendance Storage is set to SQL, the absence allowance for the terminated employees is calculated correctly in case the Prorate accruals upon termination check box is selected.
Other - Issue fix - Local HR can change the employee salary with the future effective date.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - If the Time and Attendance Storage is set to SQL, the absences are deleted without issues.
Core HR - Issue fix - After selecting a job position in the Job Assignment form, the job role data is updated accordingly.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - The Hide sickness details from manager setting has been implemented for the Dynamic absences.
Time & Attendance - Issue fix - In dynamic absences for extra days requests, the value of the Notes field will be copied into approval request item and will be visible after clicking the Approval/Comments History.
Other - Issue fix - Lists form Lanteria HR can be used as SharePoint source in LogicApp.
Core HR - Issue fix - The employees under Core HR > Employees are displayed without extra spaces and with the correct layout.
Learning - Improvement - The learning groups can be managed (groups added, edited and deleted, group members included and excluded) in the Learning Groups Manager available from Learning Groups under Settings > Settings and Configuration > Learning.