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Upcoming HR Trends: What the HR Industry Can Expect This Year

Upcoming HR Trends: What the HR Industry Can Expect This Year
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In recent years, businesses have been placing a greater emphasis on creating a positive and supportive work environment for their employees. This includes offering flexible working arrangements, putting the needs and well-being of employees first, investing in employee development, and encouraging open communication. Companies are also placing greater importance on hiring for qualities such as emotional intelligence, and fostering a culture of diversity, equity, and inclusion. Additionally, businesses are focusing on attracting and retaining top talent and building a culture of trust within the organization. Overall, the goal is to create a workplace where employees feel valued, respected, and supported.

The following are the main HR trends we faced in 2022:

  • Adopt Remote Work Policies
  • Shift Toward a People-First Culture
  • Retrain Employees to Overcome Competition
  • Listen to Employees' Needs
  • Hire Based on Soft Skills 
  • Introduce DEI Into the Workplace Culture
  • Demand to Hire and Attract Great Talent
  • Retain Valuable Employees
  • Transition Into a Culture of Trust 

As we enter into the year 2023, it's time to start looking ahead to what HR trends we may be seeing in the near future. The world of work is constantly evolving - from advances in remote working technology to changes in cultural expectations, the modern workplace looks very different today than it did a few years ago.

For People Managers especially, staying up to date on these ever-evolving trends is essential to crafting an effective HR strategy that will help drive top performance from their teams and set them up for success well into the future. In this blog post, we’ll explore some key HR trends that are likely to shape hiring strategies over the next few years—and discuss how people managers can effectively adopt each one within their own organisations.

Read on as we explore what lies ahead in the realm of Human Resources!

1. Employee Wellbeing

Ensuring the health and wellbeing of employees is a critical goal for any organisation. To that end, tailoring sound strategies to address each company's individual needs can maximize their efficacy in meeting this objective. From initiatives like corporate gym memberships to activities such as introducing mindfulness practices, organisations have countless options available when designing an employee wellbeing programme tailored to them and their staff.

Health is a critical aspect of any workplace. As such, employers should strive to promote physical and mental wellness amongst their staff through initiatives that range from health promotion schemes to personal safety training; good rehabilitation practices to stress management sessions; as well as managing both disability and ill-health with resources like employee assistance programmes or occupational health support. Moreover, providing healthcare insurance protection can also help employees feel more secure at work while ensuring they have the necessary financial coverage in case of an emergency situation.

Successful work environments are built on good management, job satisfaction, and fair remuneration practices. Our focus is to create an ergonomically designed working space which encourages open dialogue between staff and leadership as well as support for innovation through autonomy. We prioritize training line managers in effective people mentality policies while also assessing shifts in workloads or hours that may affect employee wellbeing. Finally, pay structures should be transparently communicated alongside non-financial recognition of employees' accomplishments for maximum engagement with the workforce overall.

Enriching personal growth is just as important as professional development. From mentoring and coaching to performance development, managing emotional wellbeing to lifelong learning opportunities; you can cultivate a culture of success in the workplace by open collaboration, access to training and technical advancement while also fostering financial resilience tools. Innovation workshops provide an outlet for creativity that unlocks potentials both professionally and personally - ensuring every individual's journey towards greatness is maximised right from their first step!

Ensuring financial wellbeing is an essential part of maintaining a healthy workplace. To achieve this, organizations should offer pay rates well above the statutory National Minimum/Living Wage, alongside flexible benefits schemes. Additionally, retirement planning can be positively impacted by incorporating phased retirements such as three- or four-day weeks and pre-retirement courses for those nearing their end date. Finally, offering employees access to debt counselling services along with referrals to external sources of free advice (e.g., Citizens Advice) and independent financial advisers will further support their overall finances and peace of mind.

2. Flexible Working

Flexible working is becoming increasingly popular as technology allows us to work from anywhere. There are a lot of advantages to this kind of setup, both for employees and businesses alike.

By promoting flexible working in the workplace, businesses can experience an uptick in productivity. The ability for employees to work their own hours and from wherever they choose has been proven to help create a more efficient environment that encourages better results than traditional office settings. Remote workers have seen remarkable success when it comes to focusing on tasks without those daily distractions of shared workspaces.

Flexible working gives employees the control to construct a workplace and lifestyle balance that works for them. This affords staff the opportunity to pursue both professional and personal interests, leading to higher job satisfaction - which research shows can boost productivity even further!

allowing flexible working arrangements can be an effective way to save money on overhead costs such as rent or utilities for office space. By allowing employees to work remotely, companies don’t need to invest in additional space or equipment, saving them money in the long run.                                                                                                                                                                  

Flexible working is becoming more and more popular as technology continues to evolve and make it easier than ever before for people to work from anywhere. There are many advantages for both employees and businesses when it comes to flexible working arrangements, including improved productivity levels, increased job satisfaction, and cost savings for businesses. It is clear that there are many benefits associated with flexible working - both for employers and employees alike - so it's no wonder why we're seeing such an increase in its popularity.

3. Training, upskilling & developing your people

Every business owner knows that their employees are the lifeblood of their organization. It’s essential to ensure your team has the resources and training they need to succeed. But what happens when a new technology or process hits the market? How can you keep your team up to date? The answer is simple, invest in upskilling and continuing education.

Upskilling involves providing ongoing training and development opportunities to employees, giving them the skills, they need to excel in their roles and grow within the company. There are several key benefits to investing in upskilling, including:

Increased Productivity  - Providing employees with additional training ensures that they have all the necessary tools at their disposal to get the job done right. This can lead to increased productivity and improved efficiency across the board.

Improved Retention - Investing in your employees demonstrates that you value their contributions, leading to higher morale and decreased turnover rates. When an employee feels appreciated and valued by their employer, they are more likely to stay with the company for longer periods of time.

Enhanced Innovation - Training employees on new technologies or processes can spur creativity, since they have a deeper understanding of how a particular system works. This can lead to innovative ideas on how processes could be improved or streamlined for better results. 

Better Customer Service - A well-trained workforce leads directly to better customer service experiences, as employees are able to provide accurate information more quickly and handle any issues that may arise in a timely manner. This can lead to increased customer loyalty over time, which is essential for any business looking to grow its customer base.

Investing in upskilling is essential if you want your organization to continue growing and thriving into the future. By providing ongoing training opportunities for your staff, you show them that you value their contributions and help them become better equipped for success within your organization — all of which add up to major gains for everyone involved!

4. Recruitment & Retention

An effective employee engagement program helps keep your top talent motivated and engaged by creating opportunities for them to advance their skills and contribute to the success of the business. A good program could include initiatives such as mentoring opportunities, job shadowing, professional development classes, or even bonuses for accomplishments. Having an engaging program in place will not only help motivate your current employees but can also serve as a great recruiting tool when looking for new talent.

Another key factor in retaining your top talent is creating a positive work environment. This means providing a workplace that is conducive to collaboration and creativity while also respecting individuals’ needs for privacy and personal space. Additionally, ensure that your office culture reflects the values you want associated with your brand—such as respect, fairness, inclusion, and diversity—and prioritize these values over profits or other goals. Your employees should be treated fairly across all departments, with equal pay and benefits regardless of gender or race. By making sure everyone feels valued at work—from entry-level employees to top executives—you’ll create an atmosphere where people are more likely to stay in the long run.

Finally, it’s important to recognize and reward excellent performance whenever possible. Whether it’s through bonuses or promotions or simply verbal recognition during meetings or one-on-one conversations with supervisors, recognizing hard work will make your employees feel appreciated which will encourage them to continue putting in their best efforts. Additionally, consider offering flexible scheduling options if possible so that employees can adjust their hours according to their individual needs without sacrificing productivity or quality of work.

Retaining top talent is essential if you want your business to remain competitive in today's market. By implementing an employee engagement program that rewards performance and creates a positive work environment where everyone feels valued regardless of gender or race, you’ll be well on your way towards building a team that sticks around for the long haul! With these strategies in place, you can ensure that your most valuable assets remain with you year after year!

5. Performance Management, getting the best from your people

Performance management is a multi-faceted process that has been used by employers for decades. It helps employers to maximize the potential of their people and to ensure that they are meeting their goals. It can also be used to foster an environment of collaboration and trust, which in turn leads to greater productivity and efficiency. In this blog post, we will take a look at how you can use performance management to get the most out of your people.

Performance appraisals are one of the most important components of performance management. They provide employers with insight into each individual's strengths and weaknesses, as well as what areas need improvement. They also provide employees with feedback on their progress and give them an opportunity to discuss any issues or concerns they may have about their work. Additionally, performance appraisals should include guidance on how employees can improve their performance, as well as recognition for a job well done.

Goal setting is another key element of performance management. By setting clear goals for each employee, you will help them focus on what they need to achieve and provide direction on how they can reach those goals. Furthermore, goal setting will help motivate your employees by giving them something tangible to strive towards. Finally, setting measurable goals allows you to track progress over time and make changes when necessary.

Creating a feedback system is essential for effective performance management. This system should be designed so that both positive and negative feedback is provided in a timely manner. Providing meaningful feedback not only keeps employees informed about their progress but also encourages them to keep striving for better results in the future. Additionally, an effective feedback system provides employees with the opportunity to reflect on their own performance and take ownership of it—an invaluable tool for developing strong personal skills such as communication and problem-solving abilities.  

Performance management plays an essential role in getting the best from your people. Through using tools such as performance appraisals, goal setting and feedback systems, you can ensure that your team members are working together efficiently while still allowing them the opportunity to grow individually in terms of skillset and knowledge base. With proper implementation of these practices, you can create an environment where everyone works together collaboratively towards success!

6. Making Company Culture a priority

Company culture is one of the most important aspects of any business, but it's often overlooked. It's the foundation upon which a successful business is built and can have a huge impact on how people feel about working for your company. By understanding what company culture is and why it matters, small business owners can create an environment that will attract and retain talented employees.

Company culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, and behaviours that define a company’s identity. It encompasses everything from organizational structure to core values to workplace etiquette. It's important because it affects every aspect of how people interact with each other—from how they communicate to how decisions are made.

Company culture has a direct impact on employee engagement, job satisfaction, and overall performance. People who feel valued, respected, and appreciated are more likely to be productive and motivated to succeed. A positive company culture also helps attract new talent by creating an environment where potential employees want to work. This helps companies build their reputation as an employer of choice in their industry. Additionally, having strong values that guide decision-making can help set your business apart from competitors in the eyes of customers as well as potential employees.

Leadership plays a critical role in building strong company culture by setting expectations for all employees to follow through words and action. Leaders need to lead by example when it comes to embodying the core values of the organization while also providing guidance on how those values should be reflected in day-to-day operations. Companies must also cultivate an environment where feedback is encouraged so that everyone feels comfortable sharing their ideas for making improvements or solving problems together.                                                                                                                                                             

Having a strong company culture is essential for any small business looking to thrive in today's competitive marketplace. The right company culture creates an atmosphere that attracts top talent, boosts employee engagement, encourages collaboration among teams, and makes customers feel valued and appreciated—all of which ultimately leads to better performance in all areas of the business. With leadership playing such an integral role in developing a healthy corporate culture, small businesses must make sure they take the time necessary to create an environment where everyone feels welcome and valued if they want their companies to thrive long-term.

With the everchanging landscape of work, it is more important than ever to make sure you are prioritising your people in 2023. These HR trends will help you do just that. Stay ahead of the curve by implementing some (or all) of these practices in your organisation. By putting your employees first, you create a healthy and thriving workplace culture that sets you apart from the rest.

How Can Lanteria Help?

Drive productivity and engagement of employees for outstanding business results with Lanteria's Employee Performance Solution.

  • Establish a collaborative review process with automated workflows, reminders, and notifications, resulting in more accurate results in a shorter amount of time.
  • Create easy-to-use evaluation and review forms for various review types and employees.
  • Identify and develop the top talent in your organization, increasing retention, promoting your best, and ensuring a solid succession plan designed for the future.
  • Get a full performance analysis with charts and reports that give a clear picture of current productivity levels.


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