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Top 10 Causes of Wrongful Termination in the Workplace & How to Prevent Them

Top 10 Causes of Wrongful Termination in the Workplace & How to Prevent Them

Wrongful termination can land you in serious trouble. If you're an employer or an HR professional, you know that terminating an employee is never a walk in the park. What’s worse is that some terminations can land you in legal hot water. We're talking about wrongful terminations. Because this is very crucial, let’s break down some of the top examples and outline how to handle them.

At-Will Employment Misunderstandings

At-will employment, while a common practice, is often misunderstood by both employers and employees. The principle allows either party to end the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, as long as it's not illegal. However, the nuances of this concept often lead to misconceptions and, unfortunately, wrongful terminations. Let's unpack this further and explore actionable steps to prevent such misunderstandings.

What is At-Will Employment? 

At its core, at-will employment means that neither the employer nor the employee is bound to a fixed term of employment. However, this doesn't give employers carte blanche to dismiss employees for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons. Regularly educating staff, especially managerial positions, about what at-will truly means can prevent potential pitfalls.

How to Prevent Wrongful Termination Arising From At-Will Employment

Written Agreements: Always provide written employment agreements, even in at-will scenarios. Clearly state the terms of employment, including the at-will nature, to ensure both parties are on the same page.

Regular Communication: Open channels of communication can prevent many misunderstandings. Encourage employees to discuss any concerns or queries related to their employment status. This proactive approach can nip potential issues in the bud.

Training HR and Management: Regular training sessions can ensure that those in charge of hiring, managing, and terminating employees fully understand the legal boundaries of at-will employment.

Document Everything: Maintain a clear record of all communications, performance reviews, and reasons for any employment decisions. This not only provides clarity but can also be invaluable in case of any legal disputes.

Avoid Promises: Be cautious with language. Avoid making verbal or written promises about job security or long-term employment, as these can be misconstrued as contractual obligations.

Consistent Treatment: Ensure that all employees, regardless of their position or tenure, are treated consistently. This reduces the perception of bias or discrimination, which can often complicate at-will terminations.

Feedback Mechanisms: Implement systems where employees can provide feedback on their understanding of policies, including at-will employment. This can highlight areas that need more clarity or education.

Legal Consultations: Regularly consult with legal professionals to ensure that your employment practices, including terminations, align with current laws and regulations.

Review and Update: The business environment and associated laws are ever-evolving. Periodically review and update your employment policies to reflect any changes and ensure continued compliance.

Retaliation for Blowing the Whistle 

Whistleblowing is a courageous action. It takes boldness to report wrongdoing or unethical behavior within an organization. It's essential for maintaining transparency, integrity, and accountability in the workplace. However, the fear of retaliation often deters employees from coming forward because they might be wrongfully fired for exposing wrongdoing at work. Below are steps to follow to prevent retaliatory firing for blowing the whistle.

1. Identify Retaliatory Actions: Retaliation isn't just about firing someone. It can manifest in many ways - from sidelining an employee and denying promotions to creating a hostile work environment. Recognizing these subtle forms is the first step in addressing the issue.

2. Legal Protections: Various laws, such as the Whistleblower Protection Act, shield employees from retaliation. Familiarize yourself with these regulations and ensure that your organization's policies align with them.

3. Establish Clear Reporting Mechanisms: Establish straightforward channels for employees to report unethical behavior. Whether it's a dedicated hotline or an ombudsman, ensure that the process is confidential and secure.

4. Provide Anonymous Options: Some employees might still feel apprehensive about revealing their identity. Offering anonymous reporting options can encourage more individuals to come forward without fear.

5. Take Immediate Action: Once a report is made, act on it promptly. Investigate the claims thoroughly and ensure that the reporting employee is protected during this period.

6. Training and Awareness: Regularly train managers and supervisors on the importance of whistleblowing and the consequences of retaliation. Awareness campaigns can also help you reinforce the message to the entire workforce.

7. Institute Zero Tolerance Policy: Make it abundantly clear that any form of retaliation will not be tolerated. Those found guilty should face consequences, regardless of their position in the company.

8. Create Support Systems: Consider establishing support groups or counseling services for whistleblowers. This can help them cope with any stress or anxiety they might face during the process.

9. Regular Audits: Periodically review your whistleblowing and anti-retaliation policies. Ensure they're effective and update them based on feedback and changing regulations.

10. Celebrate Courage: Recognize and appreciate employees who come forward. This not only validates their actions but also encourages a culture of openness and honesty.


Whether it's age, gender, race, or any other protected characteristic, discrimination is a massive red flag. Familiarize yourself and your team with these characteristics and ensure everyone gets fair treatment. Training, awareness, and clear-cut policies will go a long way in guarding against discrimination among team members.

Accommodating Employees With Disabilities

Is a manager not accommodating an employee's disability? That's a recipe for trouble. Regularly bring your team up to speed on what "reasonable accommodations" mean and ensure your workplace is inclusive. Help everyone to understand that it's about fairness, not favoritism.

5 Legal Rights

If an employee takes FMLA leave or serves jury duty, that's their legal right. Terminating their employment because they did something that was within their rights is unlawful and can put the company in trouble. To avoid this cause of unlawful termination, ensure you and your HR team keep yourself updated on these rights and respect them.


If you've signed an employment contract, the right thing to do is to stick to it and honor every one of its terms. Breaching it can lead to wrongful termination claims. Always have clear contracts and, when in doubt, get legal advice before having an employee sign one.

Constructive Discharge: When Resignation Isn't Truly Voluntary

Constructive discharge is not as straightforward as direct termination. It is a complex scenario that employers need to be wary of. It occurs when an employee feels compelled to resign because of intolerable working conditions that any reasonable person would not put up with. 

Essentially, it's a serious situation where an employee's hand is forced, making him or her feel they have no choice but to quit. Let's explore ways to prevent constructive discharge situations from arising.

  • Recognize the Signs: Often, there are red flags before an employee reaches the breaking point. These might include frequent complaints about the work environment, signs of stress or burnout, or a sudden drop in performance or engagement. Being attuned to these signals can help address issues before they escalate.
  • Create an Open Door Policy: Encourage an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their concerns. An open-door policy, where employees can talk to management or HR without fear of retaliation, can be instrumental in identifying and resolving potential problems.
  • Conduct Regular Employee Surveys: Conducting regular anonymous surveys can provide insights into the workplace environment. Employees might be more candid about their experiences and concerns when they know their feedback is anonymous.
  • Address Complaints Promptly: Any complaint or concern raised by an employee should be taken seriously and addressed promptly. Swift action not only resolves the immediate issue but also demonstrates that the organization values its employees' well-being.
  • Training for Supervisors: Equip managers and supervisors with the skills to recognize and address potential constructive discharge scenarios. Training can cover conflict resolution, effective communication, and understanding employees' rights.
  • Clear Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policies: Ensure that there are clear policies in place that prohibit any form of harassment or discrimination. Employees should be aware of these policies and the mechanisms to report any violations.
  • Mediation and Conflict Resolution: Sometimes, conflicts arise that can't be immediately resolved. In such cases, consider mediation or other conflict resolution techniques to address the underlying issues.
  • Document Everything: Just as with other forms of potential wrongful termination, documentation is crucial. Keep records of all interactions, complaints, resolutions, and any steps taken in response to employee concerns.
  • Legal Consultation: If you suspect a situation might lead to a claim of constructive discharge, it's wise to consult with legal counsel. They can guide you on the best course of action and ensure you're taking the necessary precautions.
  • Promote a Positive Work Culture: At the heart of preventing constructive discharge is fostering a positive, inclusive, and supportive work culture. Regular team-building activities, employee recognition programs, and wellness initiatives can contribute to a healthier work environment.

Violation of Public Policy

It is a wrongful termination case to fire an employee for reasons that violate public policy or ethics. Always ensure your decisions align with ethical standards and the law.

False Performance Evaluations

Using inaccurate performance evaluations to fire someone is an unlawful act that can put the company in trouble. Always be fair and transparent, and document everything.

Facing a Wrongful Dismissal Claim? Here's What to Do

Don't panic if your company is facing a wrongful dismissal claim. Here's a detailed roadmap to guide you through the process:

1. Stay Calm and Objective: It's natural to feel defensive or concerned when faced with a claim, but it's essential to approach the situation with a clear head. Avoid making immediate judgments or decisions without gathering all the facts.

2. Engage Legal Counsel: Before taking any steps, consult with your organization's legal team or an external employment law attorney. They can guide you on the best course of action and ensure you're compliant with all legal requirements.

3. Gather All Relevant Documentation: This includes employment contracts, performance evaluations, disciplinary records, emails, and any other correspondence related to the employee. This documentation will be crucial in building your case and understanding the context of the termination.

4. Conduct a Thorough Investigation: Appoint a capable and unbiased team or individual to investigate the claim. This could be someone from HR or an external party. Ensure the investigation is comprehensive, interviewing relevant personnel and reviewing all pertinent records.

5. Maintain Confidentiality: Protect the privacy of all parties involved. Only discuss the claim with those who need to know and avoid making public statements until the matter is resolved.

6. Open Lines of Communication: While you should be cautious about what you communicate, it's essential to keep the lines open. Inform the employee (or their representative) that you're taking the claim seriously and are conducting a thorough investigation.

7. Consider Mediation: Sometimes, disputes can be resolved through mediation, where a neutral third party helps facilitate a resolution. This can be a less adversarial and more cost-effective approach than litigation.

8. Review Company Policies: Use this as an opportunity to review and, if necessary, update your company's termination and HR policies. Ensure they're clear, fair, and compliant with current laws.

9. Training and Education: Consider implementing training sessions for managers and HR personnel on lawful termination practices. This can prevent future claims and ensure everyone is on the same page.

10. Prepare for Possible Outcomes: Depending on the investigation's findings, you might need to consider reinstating the employee, offering compensation, or taking other remedial actions. Be prepared for all possible outcomes, including potential legal proceedings.

11. Reflect and Learn: After the claim is resolved, take a moment to reflect on the situation. What can the organization learn from this experience? How can you prevent similar claims in the future? Use this as a learning opportunity to strengthen your organization's practices.


Wrongful termination is a complex issue that intertwines legal, ethical, and organizational aspects. As we've discussed, understanding the nuances of wrongful termination and taking proactive measures can significantly reduce the risk of facing such claims. But beyond the legalities, it's about building a workplace that champions fairness, respect, and transparency. In doing so, organizations not only protect themselves legally but also cultivate an environment where employees feel valued and protected.

FAQs on Wrongful Termination:

What exactly is wrongful termination?

Wrongful termination, also known as unlawful termination or wrongful dismissal, refers to when an employee is dismissed from their job for unlawful reasons or in violation of employment agreements.

How does at-will employment factor into wrongful termination?

While at-will employment allows employers to terminate employees without cause, it doesn't permit terminations for illegal reasons, such as discrimination or retaliation.

What are some common examples of wrongful termination?

Some examples include termination due to discrimination, retaliation for whistleblowing, misinterpretation of at-will employment, and violation of employment contracts.

How can organizations prevent wrongful termination?

Organizations can prevent wrongful termination by providing clear employment policies, maintaining proper documentation, offering training to managers, following due process, and regularly reviewing termination procedures.

What should an organization do if faced with a wrongful termination claim?

Organizations should consult with legal counsel, conduct a thorough investigation, maintain confidentiality, communicate with the concerned parties, and consider mediation or other resolution methods.

Why is it essential to address retaliation concerns?

Addressing retaliation is crucial as it ensures employees feel safe when reporting misconduct or exercising their legal rights without fear of adverse consequences.

How can organizations ensure transparency in termination decisions?

Organizations can ensure transparency by clearly communicating the reasons for termination, providing relevant documentation, and addressing any concerns or questions the employee might have. 


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